Age 7-12
I was stunned this year by my youngest class of 7-9 year olds. After 7 lessons they were asked to do these portraits of Abraham Lincoln. The older kids got their choice of a few other presidents, and some of them chose charcoal. Amazing!!!
hmmm, my sons are 7 and 9, and they LOVE drawing. i've avoided the "drawing on the right side of the brain" book only because i have an aversion to the simplistic "2-sided brain" theory; however, the book may not have much to do with that. APPARENTLY you are having much success teaching kids using this technique! great work. take care, paul. (canada)
Good for suggesting using the US Presidents as subject matter. I've been quite surprised at kids who don't know who Lincoln or even Washington was in history!
7 to 9 year olds? That is incredible!
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